Friday, 1 December 2023

Leaving Similar Worlds

 It's quite a trial leaving SW. Even when you have pushed umpteen prompts to LEAVE you are still on the site. Now I am on countdown, about 37 hours before I can press the final option to de-activate my account. Maybe even then I'll get an "are you sure" option and another 100 hours.....

Posting this on the Atheist section for many reasons.

One, it doesnt matter much what we call ourselves. As the pious say, "The Lord knows his own" and there could well be surprises when the prizes are handed out......

Two, I AM an atheist according to the strict wording.......a (not) theist. I'm not a theist. I tend to find many of them far too stuffy, preoccupied with their own fate beyond this life. Something to do with the "flippancy of the saved" as per the Catholic Thomas Merton.....the whole context:-

But the magicians keep turning the Cross to their own purpose. Yes, it is for them too a sign of contradiction: the awful blasphemy of the religious magician who makes the Cross contradict mercy. This of course is the ultimate temptation of Christianity. To say that Christ has locked all doors, has given one answer, settled everything and departed, leaving all life enclosed in the frightful consistency of a system outside of which there is seriousness and damnation, inside of which there is the intolerable flippancy of the saved - while nowhere is there any place left for the mystery of the freedom of divine mercy which alone is truly serious, and worthy of being taken seriously.

Life is fluid to me. Words are fluid. So many relate to words as to cement, locking their minds into closed boxes - boxes which they strangely seem to identify with the "truth that sets us free". Strange. But there is no arguing with them.

Anyway, as Merton says (and I suppose many here will simply think "Catholic" and toss his words into the dustbin and return again to their very own chains, quoting their very own chosen verses of their very own chosen scripture, or "holy book", seeking to justify themselves, terrified of putting Mercy to the test, refusing the freedom of Grace. Gift) only Marcy should be taken seriously.

Well, I'm waffling as usual. I have found that belonging on a forum stimulates me into rambling on, then I turn my rambles into blogs. I find it therapeutic. So that is what I shall so with this.

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