Hi, I often wonder just how much of all this you actually read or absorb at any level. Not criticising, just wondering. I tend to download lots of stuff and then can forget I've even done so. A few times recently I was browsing the Kindle store and thought "hey, can I afford that", went to the order screen and was told that I had already got it!
I have about 2900 or so books in my Kindle Library, and as many of them are "The Complete Works of" type books, I might just have 10,000 or so separate titles.
All good stuff, often I browse through my collection and download a selection from the Cloud. Much like browsing in a library.
Each to their own, I read somewhere that it is far better to just concentrate on one single book, go deep, stay with it (I can hear some Christians here yelling "yes, yes") and the book can become a sort of life koan that brings forth what zens call The Great Doubt - which dispenses with "answers"as such and yet answers everything in one fell swoop! Making us able to move on with Reality, an constant unfolding into novelty, unencumbered with beliefs, conclusions, allowing the spirit to blow where it will and not according to anyone elses dictates.
Obviously, I'm waffling as usual. At this moment I am into Dogen, the 13th century zen master. A couple of new books I have my eye on to add to my collection. But, then again, Dogen's quite short "Genkokoan" could well prove to be my life koan.
A koan to finish:-
A clearly enlightened person falls into the well. How is this so?
(Which makes me think of Thomas Merton's:-
We stumble and fall constantly, even when we are most enlightened.)
Anyway, sincerely, all the best.
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